Friday, June 28, 2013

Honolulu Underwater


Honolulu Underwater

Honolulu International Airport sits just 7.7 feet above sea level, making it one of the top 10 most vulnerable airports in the country to flooding.

The risk to such crucial infrastructure from sea-level rise was highlighted in 2012 by Hurricane Sandy, which left runways at LaGuardia Airport in New York City under several feet of water.

The risks aren’t just to tourism and travel. If Hawaii’s airports and harbors are damaged or destroyed it could lead to dangerous disruptions of critical imports “because Pacific Islands are almost entirely dependent upon imported food, fuel, and material.”

As a result, the report adds, “the vulnerability of ports and airports to extreme events, sea level rise, and increasing wave heights is of great concern.”

And then there are the more obvious dangers to coastal roads, waterfront homes and businesses — especially hotels — from flooding and erosion. Hawaii's tourism industry could face heavy losses.

The report estimates that the state would lose $2 billion annually in visitor spending just from the loss of Waikiki beach.

Honolulu Cave Adventure: Punynari Explores Moiliili (Honolulu, Hawaii) Karst 

Fantastic Must See Oahu Karst Cave Videos And Photos 

Bio Diversity: The Moiliili Karst Formation

Mōʻiliʻili Karst Water Cave

Hiking Hawaii: Moiliili (Honolulu, Hawaii) Karst Cave

Video and Links: Mo'ili'ili Underground Caverns Video 

Karst Cave Hiking Adventure: Moili'ili Karst Exploration